Welcome HDS Methodists!

While this site is very much a work in progress, you will find the basics up and running. The site is designed with you in mind; it is an online location where you can ask questions and share insights on any topic (be it about HDS, Methodism, ordination, something you read in the news, or any upcoming school-related or personal event that you wish to draw our attention to). Really...it is that open! The goal is to have a website where HDS Methodists can communicate with one another when our busy schedules do not allow for personal contact. So please feel free to begin posting and using this site to your advantage (and please suggest any recommendations!). Also, in order to post you need to be listed as an "Author". I sent out a link to all HDS Methodists inviting you to join as an Author, but if you have not received such an email, or would like me to resend it, simply contact me at:
and let me know that you are interested. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Covenant Meeting

Greetings all! This morning was our last Covenant Group meeting of the 2009-2010 academic year! It has been wonderful sharing that time and space with you all, and I look forward to next year when we can welcome new students into the fold. Just a reminder, tomorrow night is our first HDS Methodist Retreat at the Queen's Head, 7-8pm. Hope to see you all there! Good luck with final exams and essays!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HDS Methodist "Retreat"!

Come one, Come All! To the 2010 HDS Methodists Retreat!

Who: All HDS Methodists and their significant others!

The first HDS Methodist Retreat! (unofficial)

Where: Queen's Head Pub, on Harvard's campus. The Queen's Head has a full kitchen with lots of good eats, and both nonalcoholic and alcoholic beverages. There is also a dart board (YES!), pool table, and a shuffle board table! Come to have fun, hang out, chat about summer plans and just spend time with your fellow HDS Methodist students!

When: Thursday, April 29 at 7:00-8:00pm (and stay for Team Trivia at 8!...We would make an awesome team!).

The Wednesday before (April 28) is the LAST day of Classes, so come CELEBRATE before diving into final papers and exams!

Contact Daniel (hit REPLY) if you have any questions at all!

See you there!

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Positions for 2010-2011

HDS Methodists! It is now that time of year when we need to declare our intent to be an Officially Recognized Group at HDS for 2010-2011. And, of course, we intend to be! However, in order to accomplish this task, we need 2 new committee members: a Treasurer and an Events Contact person. These positions are currently being held by the dynamic duo of Emma Crossen and Mike Nilon, but alas they are graduating this year. The jobs are not strenuous, and are more a formality than an actual responsibility since our activities consist of mainly our Covenant Group. But...if you so chose there is, of course, much room for growth; if you would like to make a commitment to either of these positions and take it to the next level (Methodist service opportunities, more involvement with other groups on campus, etc.) let me know either by email or at Wednesday morning Covenant Group. We need your signature ASAP! Thanks, and Happy Easter!