Welcome HDS Methodists!

While this site is very much a work in progress, you will find the basics up and running. The site is designed with you in mind; it is an online location where you can ask questions and share insights on any topic (be it about HDS, Methodism, ordination, something you read in the news, or any upcoming school-related or personal event that you wish to draw our attention to). Really...it is that open! The goal is to have a website where HDS Methodists can communicate with one another when our busy schedules do not allow for personal contact. So please feel free to begin posting and using this site to your advantage (and please suggest any recommendations!). Also, in order to post you need to be listed as an "Author". I sent out a link to all HDS Methodists inviting you to join as an Author, but if you have not received such an email, or would like me to resend it, simply contact me at:
and let me know that you are interested. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Change in Tomorrow's Covenant Group!

This is a reminder that tomorrow we will be diverging from the usual. The Covenant Group WILL still meet at 8:00am in Divinity Hall, but we will be leaving at 8:30 to attend the breakfast hosted by EcoDiv (and our own Emma Crossen!). This event, featuring the fascinating Dr. Sallie McFague, will be a discussion centering around climate change and spirituality. Also, if you are interested, Wednesday night Dr. McFague will be presenting her lecture entitled "Cities, Climate Change, and Christianity: Religion and Sustainable Urbanism". The lecture will take place in the Sperry Room from 5:15-7:00pm. Dr. McFague is quiet a distinguished scholar in this field and this is a great opportunity to hear her. Enjoy and see you all Wednesday!

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